Results and Winner of the Clean Hands Challenge for World Hand Hygiene Day 2018


On the occasion of World Hand Hygiene Day on May 5th, 2018 and its slogan "It's in your hands - prevent sepsis in health care", the Global Sepsis Alliance called for hospitals and other healthcare institutions to participate in the Clean Hands Challenge. Today, we are incredibly happy to report that 18 organizations from 9 countries participated in the challenge, educating over 1,700 people on sepsis and hand hygiene in the process. You can find a full list of organizations that participated at the bottom of this post, including links to their repective websites. 

We hereby sincerely thank all organizations and individuals that participated in the challenge, as well as all people who took precious time out of their busy day to learn about hand hygiene and sepsis - all of you are amazing. 

The institution that educated the most people and is therefore deemed winner of this challenge is the Hospital General de Medellin in Colombia - congratulations!
All participating organizations will be emailed a certificate of participation by June 15th at the latest.

We would like to particularly thank these institutions for spreading knowledge about World Hand Hygiene Day and sepsis in their countries:

Again, thanks so much to everyone who participated - you are helping to make the world a better place!

Marvin Zick